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All About Digital Files from K. Lenox Photography

What you need to know about digital files.

Digital files are the hot item these days.  However, along with the many benefits of having access to the digital files, there are also risks with purchasing the digital files from your session or wedding.  I’m not sure that “risk” is the correct word to use, but you know what I mean.  Right? haha

Consider this scenario

Friend –  “Two sugars and just a dash of milk, thanks.  Oh, I see you’ve got your family photo printed!  I must have a closer… Oh Dear, why do you look all yellow?  And why is little Jimmy half chopped off?

You– “Yes, we’re a bit disappointed about that too.”

Friend  – “Who took it for you?”

You– “It was a photographer down the road named K. Lenox.”

Friend – “Oh my.  I won’t be calling her.”


Obvious this example is the worst case scenario.  Haha, Most likely your digital files (my work) will render an excellent result.  However, the risk is always there.  Please keep in mind that when you print the digital files from your session or wedding day, there are no guarantees.  I have no control over the quality of the prints you purchase from other labs.    Consumer labs may not have quality ink or printers that will render what the image is supposed to look like.  You may see differences in clarity, sharpness, color etc.


Why are digital files so expensive?

This is a hard question- because most think if they aren’t getting something tangible – the price should be lower.   When It comes to selling the files- I lose all control over my art, my vision and how it is represented to others.  Once the files are released to the client- despite what copyright laws say- I can not control who prints my images, who re-edits my images or what happens to them.   When one purchases the digital files- you aren’t only purchasing the files so to speak, but the rights to print as many as you like- unlimited prints- forever.

So how do you deliver your digital images?

Your precious memories will be delivered via a downloadable online gallery as well as a personalized USB presented in a keepsake box with an assortment of 25 prints from your session!

Digital Files from K.  Lenox


Please keep in mind…

  • Printing– Where will you print your images? A good lab? A low-end one?  I simply can not guarantee the quality of any print not ordered directly through me.
  • Size– Will you choose a print size that is appropriate to the file size and quality?  (I would suggest making prints no larger than 8×12’s on your own- for larger prints-  I recommend ordering those prints through me)
  • Cropping– If your chosen print size requires cropping (e.g. 8×10’s)  will you honor my composition? Will you remember to check the cropping before pressing print? Or will unexpected limb chops be the order of the day? hehe, I shoot with a full frame camera- and the ratio of my images are 2:3.    When I do post processing cropping-  I keep to that same ratio.  If you keep this in mind when choosing a print size-  you should be fine.

Print sizes where the lab will crop:  5×7, 8×10, 16×20

Print sizes requiring NO cropping from the original image: 4×6, 8×12, 16×24, 24×36 

  • Sharpening– Will the sharpening I applied to the file be appropriate to your chosen print method and size?




For more information about New England Wedding Photography with NH Wedding Photographer K. Lenox
please call 603-703-2626 or connect with me via email: Info@klenoxphoto.com
To learn the starting price point please click: HERE
Testimonies and my Knot Storefront click: HERE


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