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Jake and Veronica’s Engagement Session in Savannah

Engagement Session in Savannah

I was so very excited when Veronica and Jake mentioned to me that they wanted their engagement session to take place at Wormsloe and Forsyth Park! And this post will show a few of the photos from these epic locations during their Engagement Session In Savannah!

We started off at Wormsloe. When you think of the south… I guarantee this is what you think of. Those iconic Large Oak trees lining a long dirt road, Complete with the Spanish moss hanging from their strong branches. I was in HEAVEN! One word to describe this… EPIC.

But what was EVEN MORE SPECIAL than the location… was the couple I was photographing, Jake and Veronica

Engagement Session in Savannah

Why this session is special for me.

For starters, I will NOT be photographing their wedding. Instead, I’ll be attending as a guest, which means more to me than anyone can imagine. Let me explain.

If you’ve been following me for some time, you know that I value Authenticity. I value honesty. So. I’m going to get real with ya.

Neither of my brothers attended my wedding. (For reasons beyond their control at that time. ) Additionally, I wasn’t at their weddings either. (Derrick just didn’t invite me, and well, I was already shooting a wedding the same day my other brother Michael was married. )

And for a person (me) who values family… these circumstances deeply hurt. But what hurts even more, is that Derrick has since disowned me. (Again… another story for another day) BUT….

Why do I mention all this?

Well, it’s because Jake, my cousin, has been like a brother to me. And his parents (my amazing Aunt Shelly and Uncle Mike) are like my second parents. They are the ones I reach out to when I need to talk. We take vacations together. We hang out, and above all… we are there for each other, the way families should be.

And Veronica. She is incredibly gorgeous and ever so bubbly. Seriously one of the nicest, most kind people you can meet. She is the whole package. Together these two make one hell of a couple.

So when Jake and Veronica asked me to shoot their engagement session- I was stoked! But then when they asked me to NOT shoot their wedding… I was honored. (I think I actually cried.)

Engagement Session in Savannah

Jake and Veronica

So now…. let’s turn the story back to where it should be… On Them. These two have been together forever. When they announced their engagement… I think it’s fair to say that everyone’s response was… “It’s about time!”. LOL

Jake and Veronica are two of the most amazing people as individuals, and together they are one hell of a dynamic duo.

So why don’t I continue on showing you more from their Engagement Session in Savannah. (And also SC too!)

Engagement Session in Savannah

These two love checking out the local bars in Savannah. And this one just happens to be their favorite. So that is where our session started!
Veronica and Jake at their favorite Bar in Savannah GA.
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
I love the silliness between these two. They are always laughing.
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah

How did you meet?

Jake and I meet in 2007 in the freshman dorms of Coastal Carolina in Myrtle Beach.

Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah

Tell us about your First Date!

Our first real date was actually down in Beaufort, SC. He knew I loved seafood and took me to a waterfront seafood restaurant.

Engagement Session in Savannah

How did he propose

Jake proposed on Tybee Beach, GA, in front of several close friends.

What sort of things do you do for fun- together?

We love to grocery shop and cook together. We love to walk all over downtown savannah and find new bars and restaurants.

Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah
Engagement Session in Savannah

What about some individual hobbies?

Jake loves to workout and golf. I really love to cook and spend time with friends.

Engagement Session in Savannah

Funny Quirks and Habits!!  (That you may find adorable or annoying) in your finance!?

Veronica -” I love how no matter where we are, he always says bye and thank you to the owner, host, or employee at any establishment we visit. He is very adamant and making sure that where he sat, looks better than how he found it. I find it very annoying when Jake replaces song lyrics with his whole name.”

Jake – “I love how she incorrectly states idioms. I also love how she is very kind to everyone she meets. She is also the life of the party. I hate how she does not dry off in the shower and directly steps onto the bathroom mat soaking wet.”

As a couple who is currently planning a wedding, What advice to you have for other couples?

Slowly coming along. We have booked are venue and currently looking for caterers.

Describe your wedding visions.

Still envisioning but we definitely picture a really fun dance party!


I love you guys!! And I’m super excited to celebrate with you all next year!!

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