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Brittney & Nick’s Keene Engagement Session

Have you ever heard of a couple who had their FIRST meeting at three different places? Hahaha… you’d ask, how’s that even possible? But if you were to ask this question to Brittney and Nick a few years ago, they’d have probably given you three different answers. Oh, wait! I’m not revealing the suspense right away! As you read this blog, you’ll get to know about the story behind this and also about the engagement session that I recently did with this lovely couple at the Keene State College Campus. My couple shared many more interesting details related to their wedding planning and vision with me, and I want to share them with all of you here so that more couples can benefit from their input. So, get ready to read a sweet love story, some tips, and also check out the beautiful photos celebrating Brittney & Nick’s engagement.

Keene State College Engagement Photography

Brittney and Nick are two very down-to-earth people who make a wonderful pair together. They live in Florida and were in NH doing some wedding planning… so we scheduled their session around that. Brittany got ready in the car as they were driving two hours south from Northern NH after their venue. And this got me thinking what a chilled-out and unfussy bride-to-be Brittney was!

Coming to NH for their engagement session in March was a bit chilly for Brittney and Nick! (Hell.. for me too! Ha…) However, we didn’t allow the weather to bog down our spirits and had lots of fun instead. At Keene State College Campus, it was a fun-filled and playful session! We created such gorgeous and romantic pictures while my couple engaged in fun banter, sweet conversations, and teasing each other, giving me adorably cute moments for the light and airy engagement images.

Brittney & Nick’s Story 

Just like I do for every couple before their session, I had asked Brittney & Nick a few questions about themselves, their story, and their wedding plans. Doing this enables me to understand my couples and their photography requirements better. And I can say the details they shared did help me highlight the essence of their relationship through my photos.

About their first meeting, this is what they had told me, “Well, the secret is out now, but depending on who you asked a few years ago, it was either the beach, the library, or Tinder.” Confusing and interesting at the same time. Isn’t it? Elaborating on this, Brittney told me, “We actually met on Tinder in college, but we weren’t telling our parents that at the time… I told mine that we met at the library where I worked, and Nick told his parents that we met at the beach during spring break. It only took a few years for us to finally tell our parents how we actually met.” Hahaha… Brittney and Nick, that’s such a funny story and something you two will talk and laugh about forever!

Talking about their first date, my couple added, “Our first actual date was for margs at a Mexican restaurant, where one of Nick’s friends and now one of my bridesmaids, Rachel, worked. (It was) just down the street from my college. But for our first “date”, Nick came over after class to my college dorm, and we just hung out. No pressure, no awkward meeting. It was very chill, and we both say that we just knew that this was going to be different. We both instantly felt like we’d known each other forever. We were very comfortable from that first day.” Brittney and Nick, it looks like there were clear signs right from the beginning that you guys were meant to be together!

About the proposal, Brittany recalled, “Sneaky Nick thought if he told me that he was proposing on our trip to Colorado, he’d throw me off that… That was his actual plan. Well.. it worked. I thought it was a group plan to watch the sunrise over the lake, but they all had other plans. When Nick got down on one knee, I said two things “It’s upside-down” (he opened the ring box upside down, it was quite funny), and the other was a few … Okay… More than a few… F-bombs. Safe to say, I didn’t post the proposal.”

When I asked my couple about the activities that they like to do together, this is what they told me, “On our days off together, when I’m not sleeping my night shift away, we hit the golf course now and then. Or you can find us at home with our two dogs. And if we’re not doing either of those things, we’re hanging out with our friends or on a trip somewhere with our friends.” Brittney and Nick, that sounds so much fun!

Talking about the quirks and habits they find funny or annoying in each other, Brittney said, “I haven’t decided if it’s adorable or annoying yet, but Nick has this habit of getting an idea and just doing it. Right then and there. Oh, and I can’t forget about all the crazy things he says when he talks in his sleep.” While Nick shared, “Brittney has a funny habit of answering questions while she is still basically asleep. It can be annoying when I am asking her to answer something important, but I have learned how to take advantage of it and ask her for things I want at this time!” Hahahaha… Nick! Now, that’s one smart move!

About their wedding plans, this is what the bride-to-be, Brittney, had to say, “Wedding planning is…well… It’s coming along. With both of us being kind of laid-back, and I’ll be honest, kinda lazy. We’re not very proactive in the planning. And Nick doesn’t have many opinions on things. But we’re figuring it out.”

Speaking of family bonds, and their wedding vision, this is what the bride-to-be shared with me, “We were very blessed with two amazing families, obviously not without their issues and their drama but ultimately we have two very similar families. We know that when they all come together to celebrate our wedding, even if nothing goes as planned, the night will be unforgettable.” She added, “Of course, I want to have a beautiful wedding, we both do. But our true vision is for it to be a big family get-together with no pressure to be a “perfect” wedding. We are both a little chaotic, and so are our families, but we think it’ll make for some great memories.” And I agree! Being yourself and focusing on what’s important to both of you could be the best thing to do when planning your big day.

Light & Airy Wedding Photographer At Your Service!

Brittney and Nick, you two are absolute sweethearts, and I loved being your engagement photographer. I really appreciate the efforts both of you put into this session. Be it your stylish looks for the day or the choice of location, it was all perfect! Besides giving me a relaxing and refreshing workday, the two of you also shared some advice for couples planning their wedding, and I totally agree with what you said. And here it goes: “Sit down and talk about what each other wants before you start the planning process. What does each of you envision for the wedding, what’s important to each of you to have or not have?” Well, that’s a great piece of advice! 

Brittney and Nick, I also want to thank you for giving us such a great review. I loved it when Brittney said, “I think the fact that we didn’t do this beforehand is coming back to bite us now six months out. Also, we’ve found that the more your vendor relationship feels like a friendship, the better experience you’re going to have with planning overall! (Which is why you can’t go wrong with Kris as your photographer!!” Whoa! What an honor and such beautiful words. Hoorah!!! Brittney and Nick! I wish you both a happy wedding planning and a happy life ahead!

To all my readers out there, if you enjoyed reading Brittney and Nick’s story and liked the images I took, I’ve got more light and airy photos for you. You can check out the photos from Courtney & Joe’s Homestead Farms Proposal and Emma & Bryant’s Winter Elopement. Oh, and if you want to see Brittney’s Cousin’s Engagement Photos taken in Portsmouth- Click here!

If you are looking for wedding venues, you can also take a look at NH Mountain Wedding Venues. And if you or someone else you know is looking for a similar photography experience, feel free to contact me! In case of questions, you can email me or call me at (603) 703-2626. To see more of my work, you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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