Engagement Portraits with a slight Harry Potter feel

So, Engagement Portraits with a slight Harry Potter feel? Okay!

I know that I’ve mentioned this before… but I LOVE LOVE LOVE people who can just be true to who they are. Real. Authentic and truly own who they are. There is just something so impressive to me when people can own their own shit.

Lorraine and Justin do just that! For starters, these two have the most awesome personalities! Lorraine totally rocks bright Blue hair and wore the cutest spider web dress! And you know what? She totally owns it!

Justin was incredible right from the start too! So easy to talk too and funny! Together, these guys make one awesome team…. and it has me so excited too for their wedding day!!

Did you know??

Do you know, I was once criticized by another photographer because I have my couples “wear whatever they want”?

To be honest, I was thrown off. I mean… why wouldn’t I encourage my couples to embrace who they are? Both as a couple and individuals. Truthfully, I think we all need to love who we are and care a little less about what others ‘think’.

Now don’t get me wrong… I do offer suggestions and tips. But I’m more focused on helping my couples FEEL good about themselves, rather than telling them what they should wear. I’m encouraging them to wear things that make them FEEL awesome!

I truly believe, that if we “feel” good about ourselves… then our inner beauty will radiate and dominate. And that is what I aim to capture.

Everyone has a story…

We all have a story. Some may have had an easier path than others. But I feel if everyone would just love the journey… and learn to love themselves… this world would be an even more amazing place.

So I say this… Fuck everyone and their opinions. Screw what people think “should be” and let’s just learn to love and embrace everyone’s uniqueness.

Lorraine and Justin

So I’m going to get to showing you a few of the gems we created from Justin and Lorraine’s engagement session (with a slight Harry Potty feel!!) I’m freaking LOVING the images we made together. (AND I’m so totally PUMPED for their wedding coming up next month!!)

How did you guys meet?

We met at Milton Hershey School in Hershey Pa, the sweetest place on earth. Justin and I both just hung out with some of the same people and someone introduced us. We don’t even remember exactly when we met because were just so natural together, it feels like we’ve already known each other a lifetime.

Tell us about the proposal!

Justin took me out shopping all day for my birthday. We went to the Mall, and then all my favorite stores. We also got coffee, it was just a fun day.

Well, he takes me to Ruby Tuesdays, his mom thought it would be a nice place to get engaged. Justin asks at the very beginning of everything if he can give me my gift now. Me being stubborn, I wanted to enjoy our meal, his mom and sister met us so I knew it had to be something special.

So, come to the end of our meal Justin goes “OK, I want to give you your gift now.” I turn to take my napkin off my lap and when I turn back, the packed restaurant was silent and he is on one knee giving what I am sure was a moving speech and the next thing I know I am saying “yes” and people are cheering. It was very beautiful, but the true story the waitress didn’t even realize we got engaged.

What do you guys do for fun? (Both together and as individuals?) 

Justin Loves Gaming, cars, Sports, Cats, Harry Potter, and Driving down Dirt roads.

Lorraine Loves, Painting kindness rocks, crafts, reading, makeup, harry potter, cats, nature, and the ocean.

Do either of you have funny quirks or habits that drive the other nuts? (haha)

No actually, we always say “If we weren’t such good roommates we would have never made it this far.”

How are the wedding plans coming along? What are your wedding day visions?

So far we have had some bumps along the way, but things that didn’t pan out we do believe happened for a reason because with exactly one month to go tomorrow everything is panning out better than we could have hoped for. We are hoping for the fall leaves to be at peak color for our wedding at Stonewall Farm. My family can’t wait to become “peepers”. It is a harry potter/ fall festival theme without going too far to one extreme or the other. Our goal is to really highlight the natural beauty of New Hampshire and give both families a comfortable atmosphere to get to know each other, seeing as this will be the first and maybe only time both families will be together.

Harry Potter Engagement Photos
Harry Potter Engagement Photos
Harry Potter Engagement Photos

As a couple who is currently actively planning your wedding- can you offer any advice to other couples? What would be your biggest piece of advice?

There is a million things to stress about, but if you stress over every single thing, you won’t enjoy this beautiful time, so as hard as it can be sometimes just stopped and breathe and think about the good things that are happening. Think about the fun you will have and the beauty of your day.

What do you both do for a living?

Justin works as a Chinese food delivery driver. I currently am not working because I was sexually assaulted at my last job, and the company did nothing to the person responsible. So we are hoping by this winter to have our Plow Truck up and running to plow some snow, and do odd jobs on the side. Eventually, we would like to grow our business into a non-profit and help plow driveways for the elderly and disabled, and even just shovel sidewalks for those unable to help themselves.

Harry Potter Engagement Photos
Harry Potter Engagement Photos

Anything else you would like to share that is interesting, funny, etc?

We had so much fun on our engagement shoot.

Harry Potter Engagement Photos

Congratulations to Lorraine and Justin!!

I’m so freaking excited to shoot their Harry Potter Themed wedding Next Month at Stonewall Farm!

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