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Choosing the Right Wedding Vendors

Bride and Groom walk hand in hand at the Mountain View Grand resort in Northern NH.

Choosing the Right Wedding Vendors

Planning a wedding can be one of the most stressful parts of the engagement season.  Choosing the right wedding vendors can be tricky.  But it doesn’t have to be.   First though- I want you to remember that, no matter what happens,  the end goal is starting a fantastic marriage… not necessarily just having an amazing Wedding day.   I mean… when it’s all said and done… you end up married to your best friend.   And nothing is more beautiful than that!

That said.   We all want our wedding days to go off without a hitch!   With my experience though- Most weddings usually have some hiccup…. but when you have a strong wedding team put together… and you Choose the Right Wedding Vendors for the job… those hiccups won’t even be noticeable.   And if you do notice these minor mishaps… most likely, you won’t remember them.

I’ve written several posts focusing on topics ranging from  “10 Tips to Gorgeous Wedding Photos”    and  # 1 Way to ensure a stress-free wedding day”   To  “Why Have The First Look?”  ,  but this post will focus on choosing the right wedding vendors for you.  One thing I will say though- is, once you found your “perfect for you” vendors…. is that you should be able to fully trust your vendors. And not worry about a thing.Black and White Candid photo of bride and groom sharing a snack at the Aldworth Manor in Harrisville NH.

Can you believe this?!?!?!

I recently had someone approach me wanting to provide a guest blog for me.   Their topic was desirable- but their content was TERRIBLE.   For lack of a better word, they advised to lie to your vendors and tell them the event your having isn’t a wedding.  (Because, according to these people,  once you say “Wedding” the price gets jacked up. )  Then they went on to recommend hiring non-professionals to manage the most important day of your lives.  Your wedding!  I didn’t accept that post…  and now I’m going to give you sound,  solid advice.

First though-  I’m going to touch on why weddings tend to be a tad more pricey than just other events.   I assure you there are reasons behind the added investment.  And NO it’s NOT because we {wedding vendors} are trying to get one over on you.

That’s quite insulting, and ever so false.  

Bride with her bridesmaids wearing Red/Maroon gowns.

Seriously… can you believe that?

Services for weddings are more of an investment- because they are important!  There are no do-overs!   There is a lot  (A- L-O-T ) of behind the scenes costs, planning and preparations that happen well before we even get to the venue.  For most vendors… these preparations occur over a year’s time.   Professional wedding vendors want to provide an experience like no other, and we will do whatever it takes to make that possible.

Industry leaders invest in the best equipment to give you the best product.  Our Businesses maintain insurance and pay our state and federal taxes.  Wedding vendors, like myself,  do this because we value the meaning of marriage,  and we appreciate the importance of this once in a lifetime event.   We do this because we value our awesome couples.    (Okay- end of the tangent! LOL)

I promise you… that the more you invest in a vendor-  the more they invest back into you.   And Wedding vendors-  the good ones- charge accordingly for their services and products because they stand behind their services.  They stand behind their products.  Not to mention quality costs money.  (for the vendors too. )

As a trusted professional,  and friend- My advice comes from a place of Honesty,  Good Intentions and, Experience.    So here it goes…   One of the things it comes down to is… when choosing the right wedding vendors, 

you get what you pay for. 

Black and White Candid photo showing a bride talking to the Ringbearer.

#1. You Get What you pay for.

Sure Everyone has a budget.  Some larger than others.  And that’s okay!   There are perfect vendors out there for you- regardless of your budget.   But… please know.. That if it sounds too good to be true- It probably is.   I can go on and on about this… but I won’t.  LOL  Just be cautious.

If it’s too good to be true…

 If the vendor offers everything under the sun…for next to nothing. Or, if the cost of their wedding collection is less than what I pay for one of my wedding albums (wholesale-)  yep… I can GUARANTEE you they aren’t offering you a quality service or product.  Period.    And that goes the same for planners, caterers, cake artists, Florists, etc.  So my word of warning here is,  stick to a budget but don’t sacrifice the quality you deserve.   ๐Ÿ™‚

Any amount of money is too much if the service or product received is less than awesome.

Photo is black and white close up of bride and grooms hands during the wedding ceremony.

#2 Work with vendors who “Get You” 

Work with Vendors who “Get You”.   Did you know that I turn away potential couples if I don’t think they are a right fit for me?  It’s true!  If I don’t feel we are a good fit for each other… and that I’m not the best person for their specific needs… then I turn away the couple. Why? Because it’s not in their best interest!  And the couples are our priority.    So my second piece of advice is work with vendors who”GET YOU”. (in other words- they understand you and your values.  They understand your vision, your personality etc.) 

  • Does their vision line up with yours?
  • Are they professional?
  • Are they responsive?  (or are they making you wait days for a response?)
  • How is their customer service?

Make sure they are a team player- and will help you create an event that isn’t just beautiful but is a true reflection of who you are as a couple.

Bride and Groom walk on the Beach in Kennebunkport Maine

K. Lenox Photography photographs in an exclusive Light and Airy Style.

#3 Let your passions drive your priorities! 

If you’re a Foodie-  you may want to invest more in a one of a kind culinary experience.  If you’re family oriented,  you may want to invest in a photographer who will capture your day with Honesty, Elegance, and Authenticity.  Are you into crafts?  Then a DIY event may be more your speed.   My point is, prioritize where your passions are.  And invest your time and effort (and budgets there first)  But remember tip #1… You get what you pay for.

(Did you know an Experienced Wedding Planner (Memorable Events or Willow Tree Events!!) can help you with this! And in most cases actually, save you money!  More on that in a separate post!) Photo shows a close up view of a simple white wedding invitation with light gray writing. Also three wedding rings.

#4 Do your Research

How long have they been in business? What do their reviews reveal?  Keep in mind that typically- brides pour their hearts out on the reviews of their vendors.  Take a peek at all the reviews.  The good and the bad.     What are the majority of people saying? Do they have insurance?  (yep… even the photographers!!)  Are they a legal business?

Huge pet peeve of mine

… if the business is accepting money- they need to be legit! (And that means the business is registered, they have a WEBSITE! {Sorry- FB doesn’t count, nor does just having a photo gallery} they report their earnings and pay their taxes, they charge accordingly,  etc etc etc)

Photo shows a set of wedding rings. White gold textured mans ring- female diamond rings and a solitaire diamond ring.

New England Preferred Vendors

So after those quick few tips.  (and slight rants- thanks to that absurd and rather insulting request from a guest blogger… I want to show you a few of the vendors who I completely and wholeheartedly recommend.  These companies stand by their values and offer quality products and services.   These are vendors who have impressed me on several occasions… by their quality, their continued professionalism, their ability to work with the couples and with the rest of the wedding team! And- I think it’s important to know that… I am not receiving any kickbacks or commissions for these recommendations.   They are just awesome vendors… who I feel do a great job!  (individual write-ups coming soon! )

Please note… This is NOT an all-inclusive list!  I have many more recommendations as well…. but these awesome vendors are a start!   I want to help make choosing the right wedding vendors easy for you.  

And of course-  if you’re interested in Wedding or Engagement Photography- get in touch!


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